What to Do If You Have Been Sued for Breach of Contract – Business Disputes: Mitigate, Mediate and Safeguard

In this blog post titled, “What to do if you have been Sued for Breach of Contract,” Litigation attorney, Ms. Mehta offers key steps to take that can help resolve a dispute amicably or at least limit the damage to the business. All businesses run a risk of dispute at some point, from partner and shareholder disagreements to complaints and litigious action from external sources. No matter what the source or reason, disputes remain a source of stress, a drain on resources and a distraction if not a derailment from business goals.… Read More

Strategic Defense Approach to SEC or FINRA Enforcement Actions

There are several approaches a firm can take if they are faced with an investigation or potential enforcement action for failing to meet regulatory requirements. A firm’s approach to allegations or enforcement actions will depend heavily on their existing compliance culture, their history of documentation and recordkeeping, and their ability to demonstrate their commitment to compliance. … Read More

So, You Have Been Sued…What Should You Do?

Litigation is a business risk that unfortunately most businesses will have to deal with at some point. Knowing what to do once you get sued and understanding the procedure will help make the process easier for you.  As your business grows, so does its chance of being involved in litigation whether it be with a former client or customer, a business partner, vendor, or an associate/employee. Despite the parties involved, as with any litigation, the plaintiff (the party filing suit) will have to serve process on the defendant (the party being sued). … Read More