How to Effectively Manage Your Cybersecurity Program

In the fast-paced and technology-driven landscape of the financial industry, managing cybersecurity risks is paramount. To ensure your organization’s legal compliance, and to safeguard sensitive data, it’s essential to maintain a robust incident response plan that is not only up to date but also routinely tested. In the financial industry, a reactive approach to cybersecurity is insufficient. To effectively manage legal risks associated with cyber threats, it is important to prioritize a proactive cybersecurity strategy.… Read More

Requirements Under SEC Rules and Regulations for the Auditors of Private Funds

Private funds, which include hedge funds, private equity firms, and other investment entities, operate within a complex regulatory framework in the United States. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) is the primary overseer, with rules drawn from legislation such as the Investment Company Act of 1940. This article sheds light on the stringent requirements that the SEC imposes on the auditors of private funds to ensure accuracy, fairness, and transparency in the financial markets.… Read More

SEC Proposes Exemptions to Application Procedures

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has announced that it voted to establish an expedited review process for Investment Company Act applications that are substantially identical to recent precedent. Intended to make the application process more efficient by streamlining the process for routine applications and reduce the likelihood that applicants would need to file amendments to applications in response to staff comments.

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Private Equity and Pay to Play

The SEC’s pay-to-play rule is more relevant than ever before in today’s politically charged climate. As the management of government client assets is widespread in the realm of private equity, whether a private equity adviser is seeking its first…

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